Put data at the heart of AI in your business

Lightshow in Dubai showing how the world is evolving. Alif - Mobility Pavilion. Dubai Expo 2020

Unlocking a new era of modern work productivity 


Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. The market is anticipated to exceed $1.8 trillion by 2030, and according to IBM, the technology is being used to help companies manage skills shortages, improve productivity and enhance their data strategies.


According to the IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2023, AI is gaining ground:


  • 38% of IT pros in business say that their companies are implementing generative AI
  • 59% are saying that their companies are accelerating their investments
  • 45% find AI advancements are making the tools more accessible


However, the same study found that data complexity is one of the most significant barriers to adoption (25%), coming second only to a need for more AI skills and expertise (33%).


Having an AI strategy within a business means prioritising organisational data. Why?


Because without rich and accessible data, AI is operating in poverty.


Data privacy, trust, transparency, and complexity must be addressed to ensure AI’s success. These are priorities not just in terms of ensuring AI is operating optimally with the right information but also in the development of AI solutions that integrate cleanly within the business.


IBM’s study points out that trust is a key metric for responsible data management and ensuring the value of AI solutions. For companies deploying AI, reduced bias (27%), tracked data provenance (37%), and ethical AI policies (44%) are important metrics by which AI should be measured. As Finextra points out, this is where good data governance comes into play, as it is this that will ensure the data is ‘good quality, accurate, and secure’.


Data governance and AI must be connected. AI will not meet business expectations if the data isn’t of good quality and won’t meet these quality standards unless governance upholds the standards and processes surrounding the management and collation of that data.


Building a robust data framework


You must take time if your business wants to capture the heart of AI’s potential. Yes, adopting AI is a strategic move, but for companies that prioritise a solid data foundation, AI will be less expensive, more relevant, deliver better return on investment, and comply with regulatory requirements.


This is the best time to hit the pause button and take a long look at how your business manages data and the overall shape of your data strategy. And where you can benefit from partnering with a company that deeply understands the intersection of data and AI.


Mint recently achieved the Microsoft Data and AI Solution Partner designation, which cements our ability to help companies find smarter ways of approaching their data and AI strategies. The certification comes from a proven track record of helping customers manage their data across multiple systems and then leveraging this data to build AI solutions that meet their very specific and unique business needs.


You want data that helps you find the fastest, most effective, and most profitable route forward. This means your data must give you insights, make accurate predictions, optimise your solutions, and so much more. Mint brings best-practice data management within the context of AI optimisation and longevity so your business can thrive.