Manual tasks can hinder your efforts to grow and scale rapidly and managing resources and demand will become a challenge.
5 Reasons You Should Consider a Born-Digital Strategy
The born-digital movement is a part of a global trend of digitization – a trend that has been accelerated by the adoption of remote work processes resulting from the pandemic.
Cloud Migration – What The Sales Guy Won’t Tell You
Cloud phobia is real, and in many instances, justified, as cloud adoption is neither simple nor without risk, and it is these uncertainties, coupled with the cost, that serve as the main hesitations towards a move to the cloud.
4 Things You Should Do Before Investing In A Teams Platform
Applications like Slack and Microsoft Teams are rapidly becoming central to expediting teamwork within organizations. Microsoft Teams is the fastest-growing application in Microsoft’s history, and its ascendancy attributes to a similar rise of team-collaboration within the workplace.
The Dawn Of The Cloud-Born Business
Our environments are becoming digitally tactile landscapes that monitor and adapt to their inhabitants, and our reality is being augmented by digital information that is becoming an ever-more universal and interactive part of our existence. Learning machines think for us, improve our decision-making processes and automate the mundane aspects of our lives
Mint Represents Africa At Exclusive Azure Seattle Workshop
Microsoft Gold Partner, Mint Group, was the only African representative at the Azure Cloud Architecture Boot Camp in Seattle from October 17 to 21, 2016, which provided in-depth insight into the Azure platform, and cemented Mint’s position as the leader in the Azure development space.
Project Governance Determines Agile Success
Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools; Projects are accomplished through people. Process and tools may help people, but they do not get the work done. Agile projects put a very heavy emphasis on teamwork. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentations; It is working software and not documentation that deliver high value to customers and users.
Unveiling The Holy Grail Of Streamlined Productivity – O365
Office 365 is being rolled out by companies big and small as bandwidth continues to become cheaper and faster, IT managers are warming up to the idea of having a service rather than a piece of hardware in their data center and mobile workers are demanding a toolset that keeps them productive regardless of their physical location.
The Missing link in fraud detection
The Missing Link In Fraud Detection – Content Management This shouldn’t be difficult, but still remains a challenge for most of the industry. What is missing, is it people, process, or more technology? Let me give you the secret sauce. White-collar cr ...
Age of Information Management or The Wild West?
In the physical world, things took time to evolve. Laws took shape over centuries and libraries emerged to store important documents. Where I grew up, we had a small library. It was a room with shelved walls filled with books and there was another that contained the greater collection and archives.