Does your Brand have a Personality? 


You are in a Microsoft Teams meeting, and you need to introduce yourself and the company you represent – you need to give them your virtual elevator pitch. Do you waffle something on, or do you have a clear and concise message that conveys your brand and your company’s value proposition compellingly? 

 The first thing that comes to mind should be your brand personality. Your brand personality comprises a set of characteristics and traits that customers can resonate and connect with. This is what differentiates your qualities and sets you apart from your competitors.  

Having a distinctive brand voice that leaves a lasting impression has therefore become more crucial than ever.  Organisations are increasingly encouraging employees to represent them, to improve exposure and potentially grow the business. Employees have the power to acquire new business and retain existing customers or partners using their brand personality.  

Navigating the On-Demand Era 

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has increased customers’ online activity tenfold as people live, work, and play in the virtual world, to a large extent. All brands are working hard to have their voices heard and maintain the attention of their customers.  

To successfully communicate in the digital era, B2B businesses need to embrace human to human communication. The human connection is crucial to effective and relevant communication on all levels. By providing messaging that speaks to your customer’s life, emotions, needs and challenges, for example, you can develop more meaningful and engaged relationships.  

The Significance of Storytelling 

Brands that tell a story form more valuable connections with their audiences by directing their communications and experiences around how they want them to feel. They are inherently more empathetic and trustworthy when they take a humanistic approach. Brand storytelling is the act of using an emotion-evoking narrative to connect your brand to customers, with a focus on creating empathy by linking what your brand stands for with the values you share with your customers. 

This has created opportunities for brands that lead with a genuine and unique brand voice that infuses the customer experience across industries ranging from healthcare and education to financial services and government.  

How to Achieve Distinction? 

Every interaction you have with customers, partners, and the community around you, is an opportunity to get your targeted audience to notice you. The more personalised and relatable your marketing message is, the more its likeliness to have an impact.   

Your channel of communication, tone, emails, meetings, service and presentations should all strive to show the best of your organisation and what you stand for. The end receiver should always feel valued, understood, and prioritised.  

Personal gestures, how brands greet and apologise, how instructions are given, and feedback is gathered, all matters. It is through these significant interactions that you can grow a loyal community around your brand offering. 

Using Brand Voice and Personalisation to Improve Sales  

The most authentic brand voices are created using an organisation’s brand strategy. This means taking the time to understand the messaging and tenets at the core of your brand before you set out to craft its voice. Things like your purpose, vision, mission, and values will set the tone for what you communicate and how you communicate it.  

Be an Authentic Voice 

So, how can companies use brand voice and personalisation to increase sales while remaining authentic and consistent with their messaging? 

Customers resonate with a brand that comes across as authentic. Brands can be open about their desire to run a successful business through their accolades and industry recognition while also genuinely attempting to solve problems for their customers. The combination of these two goals results in a genuine and legitimate voice. Companies that want to be successful must demonstrate that they can solve real problems. It is essential to learn as much about your customers to determine how to best communicate with them. 

Customer personas enable you to create content and communications that truly resonate with your target audience. Through fundamental data analysis, you can tailor your marketing to different segments of your audience, appealing to the right product or service, at the right time.  

Personalise Your Messaging 

Customers are less forgiving these days when it comes to deceptive communication and marketing, which is why outbound is no longer a viable strategy, and personalisation is the preferred method. Companies can no longer buy a list, use a blanket call-down script, and provide semi-relevant information to their customers.  

Brands must take a more personalised approach to the market to truly understand their customers’ interests. In a world where content is coming at customers from all directions, authentic relationships are now an essential advantage of a great brand voice and personalisation.  

An effective way to ensure that you personalise your messaging and direct it to the relevant person is through personas. Although they are fictional, personas provide you with accurate data that will indicate what your customers need and when they need it. This will help you make improved decisions on how to meet their expectations and come up with tailored solutions.  

The Importance of Consistency Across Platforms 

The brand’s voice must be consistent across all channels. This is probably one of the most mismanaged areas of brand management today, but it is also one of the most challenging things for brands to achieve. Everyone is multi-channel; they switch between social media, email, the web, and television in a matter of seconds. If a brand is present everywhere, it must be consistent everywhere. Otherwise, people will notice the inconsistencies, which will lead to a poor brand experience.  


Many brands have learned how to be powerful communicators in a digital world because of the need to achieve valuable and emotional engagement without physical presence. And the kind of human connection that creates long-term value is precisely what technology is designed to provide: capabilities to listen more, remember better, and understand more deeply. As technology continues to disrupt and create opportunities, brands that embrace their unique human voice and shift from a transactional to a relationship mindset will define the future.