Industry-specific business insights and expertise are critical. The right partner will be able to leverage their expertise throughout the implementation process and fit it, to the company’s needs.
Surviving Month End in Post Covid-19 Remote World Part 2
Financial period ends can cause tension and worry within organizations because there are several tasks to track, tasks with diverse dependencies, and often a lack of visibility into whether tasks have or have not been completed.
The Month End Madness Rush and Why ERP is Critical
No more micromanaging, the ERP will remind everyone of tasks due, either through email or when they log in
ERP considerations amid COVID-19
By combining your ERP with a CRM, you centralise all data, gathering a view of the entire supply chain in relation to customer management. Dynamics 365 has inherent CRM features which, if you have not been utilising at full capacity, can help ensure closer alignment, the interaction between sales teams and feedback to customers.