Prioritise the user or lose ERP capability

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There are several deadly sins that accompany an ERP integration, but one of the most commonly missed is the one that can slice an exceptional ERP integration in half is…forgetting the user experience. To gain the full value of your ERP implementation, you need to prioritise the user and their experience to ensure adoption is seamless and you get the expected results.


The critical factors for an exceptional ERP user experience

 You’ve spent the money and the time, now you want to ignite your ERP implementation with a user experience that digs deep into its depths and delivers. Here are some of the key things to consider as you evolve and integrate your ERP.


1. Meet the user at their point of preference


Most users understand technology, they have the skillsets that come standard with their daily use of mobile tools and operating systems such as iOS or Android. They want this level of swipe, tap and click functionality within their workspaces because this limits their frustration and enhances their productivity. Your ERP should be designed with this as a priority – don’t bother with an ERP without a simple and accessible interface that reduces the barrier to entry and enhances the user experience.


Solution: Invest in an ERP with an intuitive user interface that allows seamless access to the complexities and capabilities of the system without overwhelming the user. When you do this, you get the benefits of user adoption, satisfaction, efficiency and productivity.


2. Give the user navigation that helps them do more


An ERP solution is weighty, complicated, intelligent, and intensely detailed. This makes it complicated to navigate unless you’re given the right tools. You want your ERP to be a hefty and powerful beast, but you also want it to have reins that ensure it is controlled efficiently.


Solution: Ensure your ERP integration comes with clarity. Clarity across menus, structures, layouts and functions. If you ensure all these elements are easy to use and understand, then your users will dive straight into the depths of your ERP and harvest every last drop of functionality it has on offer. When you make it easy for them to navigate and discover what they need to do their jobs more efficiently, you are empowering and inspiring them.


3. Include training and feedback as standard

Regardless of how beautiful your user interfaces and navigation, it’s also important to give users the training they need to make the most of your ERP. Training allows you to demystify ERP processes, introduce new ways of working, unpack the features included within the technology, and build user confidence. This training should also be bolstered by user feedback – give people insight into how they’re using the training or how they can further optimise their approaches so they feel engaged and, if they are doing unexpected and amazing things, recognised.


Solution: Make training part of the ERP integration process using a partner that understands ERP and the value of your users in making it shine.


Mint is deeply immersed within the Microsoft ERP ecosystem, one that delivers exceptionally intuitive user interfaces, navigation, training and support. We can help you bring your ERP to life across all your users, giving them the insights, tools and capabilities they need to thrive within your new and advanced ERP ecosystem.