Procurement Management ERP
The Power of Business Central ERP in Your Purchasing and Procurement Model
The purchase management module from Business Central handles the procurement workflow processes of a company, ensuring that goods, supplies, and services necessary for efficient operation, are in order.
You can decrease the amount of time that goes into your purchasing processes, creating tracking numbers, building purchase history, and coordinating with suppliers. ERP can make your purchasing simpler, by automating your tasks and providing you with real-time data. You will also be able to create PO at the click of a button, saving you time, through streamlined processes.

Overcome the challenges Faced In Your Purchasing Management Business
Some of the main challenges that ERP can help you solve include, risk management, financial instability, maintaining working capital and ensuring continuous supplier trading, building a vendor directory, and doing vendor audits, and contract management.
Use ERP to Benefit Your Business and Drive Efficient Purchasing Models
ERP helps businesses to streamline and optimize payments processing. Increase the efficiency of your payment activities by reducing errors, preventing fraud, automating the processing of large numbers of transactions, and transferring funds from customers to suppliers in multiple currencies.
Deliver workflows to automate payment processing
Support multiple payment methods
Provide portals for submission of invoices for payment
Consolidate payment data from multiple sources
Comply with security standards to protect sensitive information
Allow batch processing and scheduling of payments
Enable real-time data that is both efficient and accurate
Focus on vendor selection and quality performance
Handle Your Purchase Management with Business Central
With Business Central from Mint Group UK, you can create an overview of the company’s purchases and make the daily buying routines clear and manageable. You also get instant access to an overview of your suppliers’ purchase history, outstanding orders, and trade statistics.
The rich data provides insight into the company’s suppliers and enables you to better manage and improve their relationship with them. You get detailed data on all the company’s purchases and accounts payable and all relevant data relating to your suppliers, price lists and catalogs of goods, are recorded.
The Power of Workflows for Your Business Procurement
Purchasing workflows can be used for approving new or changing records, such as documents, journal line and customer cards.