Stop, in the Name of Budgets – This is Where you Start your ERP Migration…   

This is Where you Start your ERP Migration

Is your business considering moving its enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform from on-premises to the cloud? Are you eyeing up the multiple benefits that come with the cloud? It’s the potential to drive growth and business innovation? It’s value beyond just an IT-added extra? Have you read the Gartner report which found that by 2025, 51% of IT spend in business process services will have moved from traditional to public cloud? Or the one that underscored how cloud can create new digital services, improve workload efficiency, and add that important ability to pivot in times of uncertainty? 

The research, the metrics, and the analyses have all proven that cloud-based ERP can fundamentally redefine business potential.  

However, there is a caveat… 

You can’t just leap into cloud ERP. You shouldn’t lift and shift. And you definitely shouldn’t take it and run. A successful shift to the cloud from an on-premises platform, or even a straight-up ERP cloud implementation from the ground up, needs to dodge some very common pitfalls. 

Gartner highlights the benefits of a cloud-based solution in just one paragraph before underscoring the issues that could stop the business from realizing any of them. The research firm believes that a successful cloud implementation needs a comprehensive strategy that’s optimised for outcomes and takes concepts such as speed and agility into consideration and that every part of the implementation is focused on optimizing the data (gathering, analyzing, cleaning), security and overall agility in architecture. 

Moving from on-premises to the cloud should be orchestrated… 

Fortunately, there is a conductor that’s designed to help companies manage their migration with intelligence, and with the right tools and approaches. This conductor is ProActive™ for Dynamics 365 

This tool is designed to make sure that your commitment to staying ahead in a world of continuous innovation stays relevant and competitive. It ensures that your shift to the right technology for your agile and scalable business is smart, strategic, and aligned with your expected timelines.  

For example, only 39% of all projects are delivered on time, on budget and with the required features and functions 

This is a terrible percentage. You want better odds, you also want the right platform. So, Mint combines the ProActive Discover toolkits with our expertise to provide you with a step-by-step process from point A on-premise to point B in the cloud in a way that’s intuitive and intelligent.  

ProActive Discover is like chlorine for those murky tech waters. It clears everything right up by providing you with a detailed fit and gap analysis that showcases how Microsoft Dynamics 365 measures against your business needs, and by giving you cost estimates that take every factor and deadline into account. It also gives you a breakdown of additional solutions you can implement to fill in the gaps that are not covered by Dynamics 365 as standard so you’re not left with massive holes you don’t know how to fill.  

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