Desk Booking App

Take your hybrid work approach to the next level with a desk booking app. Allow your employees to manage their desk or boardroom bookings in your office. 

Book a desk or boardroom on the go

Easy booking and cancellation features

Get a real-time report of office activity

What is the desk booking app?

Improve the way you manage your hybrid workspace for the ultimate employee experience with a Dynamics 365 Business App. This app is tailored to your organizations facilities and capacity, allowing employees to access an easy-to-use mobile Power platform app to book a desk in an office, for allocated time slots.

Enable HR and Administration Staff

This app allows your HR or administration staff to track and manage daily bookings, ensuring the office is prepared for visitors.

Improve Your Employee Experience

Give your employees an easy-to-use, mobile and desktop friendly platform to book a desk or boardroom when visiting the office.

Business Benefits

Application Features

It really is this simple

Book | Manage | Track

The solution is built using the Microsoft Power Platform and includes a SharePoint Online site where employees can book a desk or boardroom for a day, week or month.

The app surfaces all previous and current bookings of desks or boardrooms, allowing you to cancel or change your booking on the go.

A Power BI report can provide necessary insights to track the office visitor log, also adhering to COVID regulations.

Get It Today

Power Up Your Internal Processes Today. Contact us today to get started on your journey.